
We at  DJOP are horrified and saddened by the deaths this week at the Muslim Mosques in New Zealand. As Martin Luther King so eloquently said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” We believe when one House of God is under attack, we are ALL under attack. The Muslim community was attacked simply due to their religious beliefs and their faith.
Democratic Jewish Outreach PA is saddened and horrified by the shooting at the Tree Of Life synagogue that killed 11 people, including a Holocaust survivor in Pittsburgh, PA. DJOP sends its heartfelt sympathy to all of the families and victims impacted by this tragedy. A toxic brew of anti-Semitism and easy access to guns resulted...
The Steering Committee of the Democratic Jewish Outreach of PA (DJOP) today urged the state’s members of Congress to demand an end to the “humanitarian crisis” created by the Trump Administration’s taking of children from their parents at the nation’s southern border. The DJOP is a federal political action committee (PAC) formed in 2008 to  support...
Last Thursday evening we were thrilled to host Senator Bob Casey in the home of Jill Zipin. We raised funds to support his reelection bid in the fall and in addition to giving some remarks, the senator answered a few questions from those in attendance. The importance of youth involvement was stressed along with combating President Trump’s agenda and supporting Israel.
By Jill Zipin, cofounder of DJOP and member of DJOP’s Leadership Team We were very fortunate to have Congressman Jamie Raskin and Congressman Dwight Evans speak at our recent event. We were happy to see so many old and new faces. Both Congressmen spoke of the importance of grass roots organizing efforts to get out...
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